ROD 021615


Monday, 16Feb15


Barbell Complex

Utilizing a Barbell, try to complete the following without putting the bar down.

Everyone will set-up their station & start with a 6 minute run around the gym. After the run – For Time:

  • 30 Back Squats
  • 30 Rear Lunges (15 r/15 l)
  • 30 Military Press
  • 30 Romanian Deadlifts
  • 30 High Pulls
  • 30 Hang Cleans
  • 30 Bent Over Rows
  • 30 Thrusters
  • 50 Get-up Sit-ups

Women 30 lb bar / Men 65 lb barbell. As a penalty, if you place the bar down you have to perform 5 burpees at the time you place the bar down.
