ROD 030110


Monday, 01March10            

111 days til summer                                         


Strongman Monday 

45 sec work / 15 sec rest / 1 min rest between each of the 3 rounds.

  • Overhead presses KB/DB
  • Burpee tire flips
  • Hip pushups
  • KB swings
  • Deck squat slamball
  • Jumping pull-ups

    Jumping Pull-ups

     At Nxt Level Performance we usually ask members who cannot perform regular pull-ups to do the jumping pull-ups. The work required to perform jumping pull-ups [video] is identical to that required for strict or kipping pull-ups. Quite obviously, max rep pull-ups are limited by stamina (localized muscular endurance); what is less obvious are the metabolic costs of performing pull-ups. Just attempting 100 jumping pull-ups gives the athlete a taste of what would be required metabolically to perform higher rep pull-ups by any method – especially kipping because they accrue at a similar rate.


    Train with NLP and progress!


     Our unique results oriented programs combine several effective tools including Kettlebells, Olympic Lifting and Underground strength techniques for extreme, time efficient & effective fitness.

    We guarantee that your workouts will be short but the results, unbelievable.

    Our Functional training-based programs are combined with other modalities such as medicine balls, sand bags, battling ropes, gym rings, superbands, sleds, rowers and body weight exercises. Our programs are adaptable to all levels of fitness and ability.

    No walking on a treadmill, staring into space, just real world training designed to give real world results.

    This real world strength & metabolic conditioning training that makes getting leaner, stronger and make healthier choices realized.