ROD 030310
Wednesday, 03Mar10
Repeat of Tuesdays ROD … Enjoy
Perform each movement in each triplet for 20 seconds non-stop for three rounds.
Complete one triplet, rest for 1:30 and move on to the next triplet and do the same.
Go through each triplet at least 2x’s.
Triplet #1
- Kettlebell clean R
- Kettlebell clean L
- Mountain climbers
Triplet #2
- Kettlebell high pulls
- Kettlebell thrusters
- Forearm to plank push-up
Triplet #3
- Air squats
- Half burpees
- Star jumps
During the last three months we have been training the boys baseball team with positive results. Here are some of the cast.
These guys have come a long way, and I feel sorry for their opponents this baseball season.