ROD 052010
Thursday, 20May10
Tabata Boxing
A timed 90 sec of WORK at each station. The last 30 seconds of each station everyone will do a ab exercise called out by the trainer such as v’s ,bicycles, leg lifts ……
No rest between stations. …NO REST…. NO REST
- Heavy bag push
- B-A-G
- Slams
- Wall Ball
- B-A-G
- Hit Mitt
- Tire sledgehammer swings
- B-A-G
- KB bottoms-up curl & press
- Box jumps
- B-A-G
“The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” – Walter Bagehot
This is for my man, Shane. Check these videos out.
Muscle-up/False Grip Demo [wmv]
100 Muscle-Ups, Ricky Frausto & Joe Westerlin [wmv][mov]