ROD 090210

To All Members,

The Gym will be closed Labor Day weekend and will resume it’s normal schedule on Tuesday, September 7th.




Thursday, 02Sept10


Bodyweight Training 

45 Max effort and 15 seconds rest. 2 rounds of the following 8 exercises: No Rest

  1. Low Jumping Jacks
  2. Plank Climbers (alternating lead arm)
  3. Single-arm overhead deep squat (right) 
  4. Single-arm overhead deep squat (left)
  5. Close grip Burpee into sumo stance jump 
  6. Diamond leg sit-ups 
  7. Push-ups
  8. Diagonal knee tucks to elbows

1 minute rest & then:

 8 cycles of 20 seconds MAX effort and 10 seconds rest of the following:

  1. Dynamic Squats x 2 sets
  2. Mountain Climbers x 2 sets
  3. Evil Jumps x 2 sets
  4. Mountain Climbers x 1 set
  5. Sumo Squat Jumps x 1 set


 Everything is getting better every day – My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way


 Kettlebells ROCK