ROD 201210
Monday, 20Dec10
CraZy Monday
For this workout we will do a 40 seconds work/20 seconds rest x 5 rounds 1 min rest in between.
- KB Overhead kneeling climbers (single arm)
- KB Snatches (3r/3l)
- DB Box jumps
- Horizontal reclines (feet on box)
- KB Thrusters (single bell)
The Truth about Stevia – read on…
Athlete’s Warm up: Perform 2 rounds
- Medball chops
- MB Triple threats (hip raises)
- 15 Supine lying leg raises, side lying leg raise and side lying adduction
- MB Squat & push
- Rotator & shoulder drill (elbow lifts) 25 reps x 2
- Seated arm motion drill
- Mobility Hip Stretch ( 2 reps w/30 sec hold)
- Frog thrusts (15 reps x 2)
- Straight Leg Walk w/ toe touch
- Fast Feet drill
- 3 sets Skip and Scoop
Athletes WOD
40 sec work / 20 sec rest for rounds recommended at time of performance.
- TRX Plank runners
- Reclines
- DB Runners
- Band lateral(r)-reverse-lateral(l) starts
- BB Jumping back squats
- Lateral lunges w/ SB overhead press