ROD 010711


Friday, 07Jan11


REMINDER:  During  inclement weather, Please bring with you an extra set of dry sneakers. As you know when the training floor gets wet it becomes hazardous to run, skip and jump.

Thank you NLP.


Finally Friday

This is a timed 40 second work / 20 second rest with 1 minute rest in between 3 rounds

  • Ab wheel roll-outs
  • Box jumps
  • Push ups 
  • Reclines
  • KB swings (single arm alt. each hand at every swing)
  • MB Plank holds 
  • Mtn Climbers 


“New Year’s Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time.”


The Benefits of Weight Training For Childern


Athletes at NLP


more pictures to come….