ROD 092611
Back to our Winter schedule
Evening Classes Monday – Thursday 7pm & 8pm
Saturday Morning 9am
All other times remain the same.
Monday, 26Sept11
Monday Makeover
This is a timed set of 30 sec work/ 15 second rest for 7 rounds non-stop
- Push-ups
- Knees to elbows
- Wall ball shots
- Box jumps
“We train our athletes today, the way others won’t,
So they can do tommorrow what others can’t.”
So they can do tommorrow what others can’t.”
Athlete’s ROW
Warm up: Perform 2 rounds
- Medball chops
- MB Triple threats (hip raises)
- 15 Straight lying leg raises
- MB Squat & push
- 3 cycles of mini band walks
- 5 reps forward – lateral – rotational – lunges w/ medball overhead
- 3 sets skipping
- 3 sets of lateral shuttles
- 2 sets butt touch
Perform 2-3rounds
20 sec work / 10 sec rest for 6 rounds (stay on exercise for 6 rounds) w/ 1 min rest between rounds
- Reclines
- Med ball Slams
- Pushups
- Sit-ups
- Burpees
- DB single leg (foot on box (5r/5l)