ROD 041112
Wednesday, 11Apr12
Over-the-Hump Wenesday
This is a 30 seconds effort and 15 seconds rest. Complete 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:
- KB Single-Arm Thruster (l)
- KB Single-Arm Thruster (r)
- KB Single-Arm Row (l)
- KB Single-Arm Row (r)
- Plank Climbers
- KB Goblet Dynamic Squats
- KB Tactical Lunges to a Hold
- KB Swing
High Rock ROD
This is a 35 second effort to a 15 second rest for 3 rounds with a 1 minute rest between.
Please bring with you a Towel to lie on and water to drink.
- Alternating Rear Lunge to a knee lift to a Squat (hands on head)
- Split Squat Jumps
- Plank Jacks
- Alternating Anterior Reaches
- Mtn. Climbers
- Single Leg Hip Thrusts (l)
- Single Leg Hip Thrusts (r)
- Burpees
- Walkouts
- Plank Climbers
Being a Mom is a REASON not an EXCUSE!!