ROD 060212
Saturday, 02Jun12
Suck-Ass Saturday
This will be a 40 second work / 20 second recovery for 4 rounds and a 1 min rest between.
- TRX Finisher
- Seated Battling Ropes
- Wall Ball Chest Pass with a Squat Thrust
- KB Push Press
- Swings
- Goblet Squat with an Overhead Press
Athlete ROD
This is a 15 second work / 15 second recovery for 6 rounds at each couplet then move on to the next after a 1 minute rest
- Swings / Walkouts
- KB Push Press /Mtn. Climbers
- TRX Finishers / Push-ups
- Alternating Stationary DB Waiters Lunges / DB Rear Lunge with a Curl
- Burpee / Sit-outs
Let’s push ourselves hard on this ROD.