ROD 120812
Saturday, 08Dec12
8am & 9:15am
South Shore Ladder
Descending reps 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 at each station (275 total reps)
Go through these movements as quickly as possible for time at the weight prescribed:
- KB swings ( beginners 16kg, intermediate 20kg, advanced 24kg)
- Clapping push-ups (AFAP)
- Squat Thrust (AFAP)
- DB Lateral Lunges w/ OH press ( beginners 15lbs, intermediate 20lbs, advanced 25lbs)
- DB Sit-up w/ OH press (beginners 15lbs, intermediate 20lbs, advanced 25lbs) 1 DB
Athlete ROD
20 seconds work / 10 seconds recovery for 16 cycles at each couplet. A 1 minute rest after completion of cycles.
- Reclines
- Ball Slams
1 minute rest
- MB Dynamic Squats
- Push-ups
1 minute rest
- MB Alternating Lunges
- Box Jumps