ROD 121012
Monday, 10Dec12
Magic Monday
Descending Intervals
- Round 1: 60/30
- Round 2: 50/25
- Round 3: 40/20
- Round 4: 30/15
Here’s the circuit: Modify to your needs for each exercise. 1 minute rest in between rounds
- KB Front Squats
- Reclines
- KB Swing
- DB Overhead Press (strict)
- Short and Quick Russian Twists
Athletes ROD
(15 Mins) Warm-up / (10 mins) Plyometrics (power work) Linear Day /(35 mins) Strength Training
Power Work – One Arm Dumbbell Snatches 4 sets of 6 reps (same rule applies; more than 6 too heavy …)
4 sets of 10 rep max’s on all exercises. If they can do more than 10 reps it’s to light/less than it’s too heavy. All exercises should be superset w/ 1 minute rest in between every 2nd set. The rest should be a light jump rope on the 1st and 3rd.
- Front Squats KB / Chin-ups / Slam Ball Power Russian Twist for 20 reps
- DB Bench Presses/ KB Deadlifts / Alternating Leg MB Sit-ups for 20 reps
Posted in Athlete ROD