ROD 020713
Thursday, 07Feb13
When other “cardio boxing” classes get boring after a couple months, our diverse Boxing class stays stimulating and demanding both mentally and physically!
Strong People ONLY Thursday
40 seconds of work / 20 seconds rest / 4 rounds
- BB Bent-over rows
- BB Overhead presses
- BB Back squats
- KB Side to Side Deadlifts
- KB Farmers walk
8:30 pm
When Push Comes To Slam & Swing
AMRAP for 10 minutes of:
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Slam Ball
- 20 Sit-outs
2 minute rest then… another 10 minutes of:
- 15 Swings
- 15 Single Arm Push Press (ea. round l/r)
- 15 Goblet Squats
Lets start posting AMRAP’s and workouts for time to comments.