ROD 021613
Saturday, 16Feb13
All player’s will line up and the deck is placed by the white board. The first member will approach the deck and select a card. That card will, by suit & number, determine the movement & rep’s. This will be done until all 54 cards have been played or a time limit of 30 minutes has expired.
All movements will be performed together to ensure compliance.
Let’s start easy with…
Any Ace = 1 minute rest (ahhhh) don’t get soupped up there are only 4 of them.
The heavy hitters…
- Heart’s = Thrusters
- Spades’s = Burpees
- Diamond’s = KB Swings
- Club’s = V-Sit Ups
Face cards reps are slightly higher (ouch)…
- King’s = 25 reps (i.e. King of Hearts 25 Thrusters)
- Queen’s = 20 reps
- Jack’s = 15 reps
Then the Whammy…
- The Big Joker = 50 Mtn Climbers (l+r = 1)
- Small Joker = 45 Sit-outs (one side = 1)
The numbers 2-4 cards are runners = 200 meter, 300 meter & 400 meter run.