ROD 030513
Tuesday, 05Mar13
Tabata Tuesday 6:30 pm
We are going for 4 rounds of 40/20, 30/15, 25/13, 20/10 of work/recovery.
Between rounds there will be 40, 30, 25, sec of rest.
- Jumping pull-ups
- Air squats
- Alt v-ups
- KB swings (HEAVY)
- Push-ups
- MB russian twists
When other “cardio boxing” classes get boring after a couple months, our Boxing class stays stimulating and demanding both mentally and physically!
Perform as Rx’d
21-15-9-6 reps for time of:
- DB Hang squat clean 30/40
- Handstand push-ups with feet on Box (in pike position)
- Box Jumps
- Half burpees