ROD 062413


Monday, 24Jun13


Single Side Slammers

This is a 30 second work / 15 second recovery for 6 rounds with a 1 minute rest between 2 rounds.

  • Single Arm Reclines (alternate each round)
  • Landmine Anti-Core-Rotation
  • Single Leg Donkey Kicks (alternate each round)
  • KB Single Arm Thruster (alternate each round)
  • TRX Push-ups

*** The anti core rotation exercise is performed on the landmine. Grab the top of the barbell attached to the landmine with one hand on top of the other (fist in hand), elbows slightly stiff and the body square to the wall. You want to keep from going side to side, just the arms move side to side at the shoulder joint. Resist the forces of the bar from going side to side within your core.


***Morning classes will stay at the same schedule until further notice.

****************************Monday @ 9:00 am and Wed & Fri @ 9:30 am*************************************