ROD 062314


Monday, 23Jun14


Crazy Couplets

Each couplet will be performed for 60 seconds of work, 30 seconds each, with a 20 second recovery after both couplets are completed moving to the next station until all 6 couplets are completed.  NO REST.

  • Single Leg KB Seated Squats (R)
  • Single Leg KB Seated Squats (L)

20 second rest

  • Single Leg KB Deadlifts (R)
  • Single Leg KB Deadlifts (L)

20 second rest

  • Single Arm KB Bottoms-up Waiters March (R)
  • Single Arm KB Bottoms-up Waiters March (L)

20 second rest

  • Single Arm TRX Push-up (R)
  • Single Arm TRX Push-up (L)

20 second rest

  • Single Arm TRX Recline (R)
  • Single Arm TRX Recline (L)

20 second rest

  • Dynamax Lunging Wall Bounce (R)
  • Dynamax Lunging Wall Bounce (L)

Single Leg KB Seated Squats: while performing this exercise hold the kb’s goblet style.  Bottoms-up waiters march: while holding the handle and a firm grip you lift it overhead, the bottom of the kb will be facing the ceiling, and march in place. TRX push-up: with one arm, lean forward only as much as your strength allows. Recline: same principle as the push-up. On the dynamax wall bounce: facing the wall, you will stand about 3 feet away, perform a rear lunge and as you return you toss the ball just above your knee and strike the wall causing the ball to return to you, repeat on same side.
