ROD 08192014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Warm-up: (10 minute cap)
Med-ball Routine – x2
- 10 MB Jack Slams
- 10 Rotational Twists
- 20 Alt Side Chop (l&r)
- 20 Alt Two-handed Rotional Toss (r&l)
- 10 Two handed Overhead Throws
- 10 Upper Body Supermans (Med-ball in hands/lower body Static)
- 10 Lower Body Supermans (med-ball between feet/ upper body static)
- 20 Alt V-ups (r&l)
- 10 Thrusters
- 10 Squat Thrusts
ROD: Groups of 2 – alternating Rounds (20 minute Cap)
2 Rounds (switch order on 2nd round)
- 8-1 Front Squats (135/95)
- 8-1 Burpees
Rest 2 Minutes
2 Rounds (switch order on 2nd round)
- 8-1 Push Press (95/65)
- 8-1 Dbl Kettlebell Squat Cleans (16k/12K)
ENDURANCE: 4 Minute Challenge
10 seconds of High Knees followed by 5 seconds of rest for 16 cycles
(perform the HIGH knees as quickly as possible then drop to the floor and rest for 5 seconds, repeat for 16 cycles)
3 Rounds
- 10 Band Leg Pull-ins
- 20 Sit-ups
Rest as needed!