ROD 09302014
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
2rds 30/30 (partner warm-up)
- Band Bear Crawls
- Band Laterals (r)
- Band Laterals (l)
- Band Broad Jumps
- Band Sprints
*Both teamates are inside the band, one person bear crawls the other provides resistance, then switch. Perform all the movements in a UGOIGO manner continously.
3 Rounds
- 15 Thrusters
- 15 Kettlebell Swings (24K/ 16K)
Run 600M – 202 Loop /2nd speed bump
3 Rounds
- 9 Thrusters
- 9 Incline Push-ups
10-Minute EMOM
Even Minutes: 24 Alt. V-ups
Odd Minutes: 15 Wall ball (16/10)