ROD 102114
Tuesday, October 20, 2014
-30 seconds at each movement, rest 1 minute
-20 seconds at each movement, rest 45 seconds
-10 seconds at each movement
- Sit-outs
- Star Jumps
- High Knees
3 Rounds
Minute 1: 21 Push-ups
Minute 2: Max Reps Wallball
Minute 3: 21 Kettlebell Swings (24K/16K)
Minute 4: Sprint 115 and back/Airdyne sprints
Minute 5: 21 Air Squats
Minute 6: Max Squat Thrust (No Push-up)
Rest 2 minutes
* the clock doesn’t reset or stop between exercises… On the Sprint do that exactly SPRINT. On the sound of the clockeach athlete must move to the next station IMMEDIATELY.
100 sit-ups any style