ROD 110714


Friday, 07Nov14



This is a 30 second work/ 20 second recovery for 4 rounds with NO REST

Circuit 1

  • DB Single Arm Power Squat Clean Thruster
  • Staggered Stance Single Side DB Rows
  • DB Single Arm Floor Press
  • DB Snatch (from floor)

Rest 1:30 minutes…Then

Circuit 2

  • Dynamax Over the Head lateral Double Hop
  • Dynamax Double Arm Umpas
  • Dynamax Squat Thrusts w/jump
  • Dynamax (hug) Sit-ups

Dyna over the head is performed with the ball on one side, grab ball switch to the other side going over the top of the head – hop over the ball side to side and then repeat to the opposite side.

Dyna double arm umpas is performed while lying on the floor with ball at chest – reach to one side diagonally over head while bridging the hips. Repeat to other side.

Dyna Sit-ups are performed with arms around ball at chest level and sit – upright – repeat
