ROD 040115


Wednesday, 01Apr15




No Workouts or Classes are scheduled for today….

















APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!! Ha Ha


4 Rounds

  • 1 Minute Max Reps KB Front Squats

Recover 30 seconds

  • 1 Minute Max Reps Barbell Deadlifts (at least 70% of body-weight)

Recover 30 seconds

  • 1 Minute Max Reps BB/DB Hang Clean to Split Jerk

Recover 30 seconds

  • 1 Minute Max Reps KB Floor Presses

Recover 30 seconds


Core Finisher = 20 seconds work / 5 seconds rest for 5 rounds

  • Alt. MB V-ups
  • Reverse Crunch w/ knee kip (hands on head)


Keep a steady pace and reps consistent throughout the rounds. Go as heavy as your strength will allow. Push Yourself, that is why you have a 30 second recovery period between lifts. The only way to get stronger is to lift heavier, so challenge yourself to a new personal best
