ROD 040815


Wednesday, 08Apr15



This is a partner ROD. Choose up who is going first and then the count-up begins. Start with 1 repetition and go to the highest possible. The catch here is you will have 10 minutes at each series to get to your highest rep. If you fail to match the reps of your partner you must rest until you have recovered enough to catch up to the reps of your partner. You will continue from the number you failed to perform.

First Circuit – 12 minutes of… to the highest rep

  • KB H2H Swings
  • Judo Push-ups
  • Goblet Squats

Rest 2 minutes… continue

Second Circuit – 12 minutes of…to the highest rep

  • DB Snatches (r+l=1)
  • 2 Jack Burpees
  • Ball Slam

Post highest reps for each team on board.
