ROD 052515
Monday, 25May15
ROD to Remember
In memory of all our Fallen Hero’s across our Nation, which includes all of our Uniformed Services, this Memorial Day
Four rounds of 35 seconds work / 20 seconds recovery Non-stop
- KB Swings
- DB Thrusters
- 2 Jack Burpees
- V-ups
Recover 5 minutes, then… 5K time
We will end the ROD with a Next Level Memorial 5K run starting from the Next Level left up on Arthur Kill Road right on Arthur Kill to Androvette St., right to Kreischer to Winant Pl., right to Arthur Kill to Exit road of Indy Loop around to Next Level.
There will be a Pot Luck Breakfast after the ROD, if you haven’t done so, we ask to bring one item to the breakfast.