ROD 081115
Tuesday, 11Aug15
4 rounds of:
- 70 Rope Rotations (35 DU)
- 10 DB Snatches (5 r/l)
- 80 Rope Rotations (40 DU)
- 8 DB Snatches (4 r/l)
- 90 Rope Rotations (45 DU)
- 6 DB Snatches (3 r/l)
- 100 Rope Rotations (50 DU)
- 4 DB Snatches (2 r/l)
Snatches will be performed as alternating i.e., 1r-1l-1r-1l-1r-1l = 6 snatches.
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP for 15 minutes
- 5 2 Jacks Burpees
- 10 DB Thrusters
- 15 Ball Slam Jack (jump back and forth and slam)