HIIT 123115
Thursday, 31Dec 15
Last workout of 2015, we take this moment to thank everyone past and present who has made NLP a special place where strangers become friends.
Wishing everyone a Healthy New Year!
“If you change how you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Warm-up / 2rds (circuit style)
- 2 minutes of Jump Rope
- 1 minute of Ankle Jacks
- 2 minutes of Running Around Gym
- 1 minute Plank
Endurance/ 8-Minute Cap
- 600m Run
- 40 Kettlebell Snatches (16/12)
- 400M Run
- 20 Kettlebell Snatches (16/12)
- 200M Run
- 10 Kettlebell Snatches (16/12)
The Final Count Down Workout
- Suitcase Deadlift Jumps 1-10 reps
- Burpees Pull-up 10-1 reps
- DB Swings 10-1 reps
- Sit-outs 1-10 reps