HIIT 022616
Friday, 26Feb16
3 rounds of Body-weight Ex for 30 seconds each:
- Jumping Jacks
- Air Squats
- Butt Kickers
- Rear Lunge with a High Knee Jump
- Walk-out to Push-ups
- Lizard Stretch
- Downward/Upward Dog
- Umpas
Friday Couplets
Work/rest ratio 20/10 work for 8 rounds at each couplet with a 1 minute rest in between each set of couplets.
- Dbl DB Swings
- DB Split Stance Thrusters (r/l)
1 minute rest
- KB Cleans (r/l)
- KB Single Leg Dead-lifts (r/l)
1 minute rest
- KB Strict Presses (r/l)
- DB Hang Snatch (r/l)