HIIT 050416
Wednesday, 04May16
2 Round Warm-up each at 30 seconds
2 minute Jump Rope/ Air Dyne
- Dynamic Squats to Alternating Split Jumps
- Knee Skip Clap
- High Knee Kicks (switch@rounds)
- Push-ups
- Speed T-Stabs (switch@rounds)
- Groiners
Tabata Body-Weight
This is a 20 work / 10 seconds recovery for 8 cycles (4 cycles ea exercise) with a minute rest in between.
- Judo Push-ups / Mtn. Climbers
- Jump Squats / Alternating Lateral Lunges
- 2 Jack Burpees / Crab w/ Alternating Toe Touches
- Sit-outs / Side Plank w/ Leg Swing (switch@rounds)
- Skaters w/Toe Touches / Dynamic Groiners
- Air Squats / Evil Jumps
Ab work…
- 5 minutes of Partner Speed Sit-up – I go 20 reps/ U go 20 reps… as many as possible.