HIIT 062916

Wednesday, 29June16

Warn-up: 15 minute Cap

Run The Loop
Bring 1 10-Pound Wallball for every 3 People
Take turns running with it, then spend 5 minutes stretching.

If there is time do Band Pull Aparts…. We should all now how to do them and how many by now!


Endure-Core: 8-Minute EMOM

Even: 20 Second Push  Hold + 10 Hand Release Push-ups

Odd: 20 Second Plank + 20 Switches


NLP Circuit

15 seconds work/15 seconds rest for 5 rounds at each couplet: 1 min rest between rounds

Triplet 1:

  • Reclines
  • Sit-outs
  • TRX Squat Jumps

Triplet 2:

  • DB Push Press(l)
  • Plyo Push ups
  • DB Push Press (r)

Triplet 3:

  • DB RDL
  • Mtn. Climbers
  • KB Swings