LIFT 080116


Monday, 01Aug16


Warm-up – Instructors Choice

Partner – Up / 20 minute limit / 10 minutes on each exercise

Encourage, push & motivate each other as you workout. Move quickly along as soon as your partner finishes you immediately go on to your set and so on…Heavy

  • BB Cleans  6-6-6-5-5
  • BB Zercher Rear Lunges 6-6-6-5-5 (hold BB@elbow crease)

**** If needed bring something to cushion crease of elbows from barbell

This is a 25 second work with a 15 second recovery 4 rounds no rest

  • Judo Push-ups
  • DB Upright Rows
  • KB Windmills
  • Air-Dyne Sprints
