HIIT 081216
Friday, 12Aug16
Warm-up = 2 rounds
- 100 m run
- 20 Dynamic Squats
- 100 m run
- 5 PVC Shoulder Passes
- 15 PVC Overhead Squats
- 8 Downward Dog to Push-up
- 10 Alternating Groiners w T-stab
Friday Finisher
30 sec work / 30 rest for 5 rounds w/ 1 minute rest between couplets
Couplet 1
- BB Cleans (w/squat)
- Pike Press or Handstand Push-up
Couplet 2
- Chin-ups
- MB V-ups
6 min of 1 KB clean and press(push or jerk) switching hands every min or switching at 3 minutes (advanced)