HIIT 082416
Wednesday, 24Aug16
Warm-up: 2 rounds
- 1:30 Jump Rope
- Med Ball Cycle
- 1:30 Jump Rope
- 20 Squat and Push
- Run 100 m
- 10 Groiners w/ T-Stab
Move and Hold!
You will work for 20 second intervals and hold the position for 10 seconds
5 rounds of the following KB strength circuit:
Here’s what it will look like…
- Clean right for 20 seconds/hold in the rack for 10 seconds
- Press right for 20 seconds then hold overhead for 10 seconds
- Split squat for 20 seconds then hold in bottom position for 10 seconds
- 1 arm row right for 20 seconds then hold up in contracted position for 10 seconds
- Push-ups for 20 sec then hold bottom for 10 sec
Repeat other side.
The completion of both sides= 1 round / 50 cycles total / 25 minutes