HIIT 102316
Sunday, 23Oct16
Warm-up: 3rds
200m run
- High knees <——>
- Button Kickers <—–>
- Walking Groiners w/ T-stab <—–>
- Slow Lateral Shuffle <—->
- Inch Worm <—–>
Endurance: Parking Lot “Sprints”
10 Sprints – Start Moderate and Increase Speed
Jog Back to the Start and Go Again
Workout: 5 Rounds
- 40 Double Knee Crunch
- 30 Sandbag Front Squats
- 20 Dumbbell Swings
Between Round perform as many Shoulder presses as possible (50 total) break up reps as you like each round
Posted in Core, Endurance, Group Fittness, High Intensity Interval Training, Mobility, Open GYM, Running, Sprints, SunFunDay, Uncategorized, Warm-up