LIFT 101016
Monday, 10Oct16
Warm-up – 2 rounds of 1:30 of Jump Rope
- Overhead Air Squats
- Overhead Forward Lunges
- Banded Pull Apart
- PVC Shoulder Passes
- Lite DB Internal/External Rotations (arms at side and holding db’s at 90*, out & in)
- Banded Push-ups
3 minute Dynamax Ab Routine
120 reps of 4 rounds of 10 reps each – Alt V-ups, Russian Twists & Hollow body w/ Reverse Crunch
Partner Up / 22 minute limit / 11 minutes on each exercise
Encourage, push & motivate each other as you workout. Move quickly along as soon as your partner finishes you immediately go on to your set and so on…Heavy
- BB Floor Presses 5-5-5-5-5…..
- DB Flyes on Stepper 5-5-5-5-5…..
This is a 20 second work with a 10 second recovery 4 rounds no rest
- Battling Rope
- KB Goblet Style Front Press (not overhead)
- Med Ball Single Arm Push-ups (switch@rounds)
- Sit-outs