HIIT 012317
Monday, 23Jan17
Warm-up: 2 Rounds
1-Minute Jump Rope followed by 30 seconds of each movement
- Dynamic Squats
- Rear Lunge
- Butt Kickers
- Groiners w/ T-stab
- Up/Down Dog
- Push-up to Dbl Toe Touch (r&l)
- V-ups
Pre-game: 5 minutes AMRAP/AFAP
- 15 Squat Jumps
- 10 Clapping Push-ups
- 5 Burpeee Pull-ups
Complete 6 rounds at one station before moving to the next.
work/rest: 20/10
The Movements
- Jumping Pull-up
- Kettlebell Swings
- Half Burpees
- Dumbell Push Press
- Mountain Climbers
- Air Squats