HIIT 020517
Sunday, 05Feb17
Warm-up: 12 min
Go for a Run them Mobilize and Stretch
Pre-game: 10 rds
- 3 Pull-ups
- 3 Push-ups
- 3 Walk-outs
Sunday Triplets
Perform each movement in each triplet for 20 seconds non-stop for three rounds.
Complete one triplet, rest for 1 min and move on to the next triplet and do the same
Triplet #1
- Kettlebell swings
- Dumbbell highpulls
- Mountain climbers
Triplet #2
- Dumbbell thrusters
- DB Alternating rear lunges
- Plank climbers
Triplet #3
- Air squats
- Half Burpees
- Quick In & Outs