HIIT 022517
Saturday, 25Feb17
Warm-up: 2rds
30 seconds each
- Air Squats
- Alt. Lunges
- Lateral Lunge
- Groiner w/T-stab
- Up/Down Dog
- Alt Hip Extensions
1:30 min Jump Rope
Pre-game: 7 min EMOM
1 Dbl KB Clean & Press + 2 Push Press
KB Ladder….Till complete. Pick a challenging weight.
- 10,9,8…1 of Pull-ups (men will hook the KB to toe)
- 2,4,6…20 of KB Goblet Squats
- 10,9,8…1 of Pull Through Push-ups
- 2,4,6…20 of KB Swings
After a 2 minute rest…
Mini Met-Con
2 rounds of 8 cycles of 20 seconds MAX effort and 10 seconds rest of the following:
Dynamic Squats x 2 rds
Mountain Climbers x 2 rds
Burpees x 2 rds
Sit-outs x 2 rds