HIIT 040117 (Posted Early)

Saturday, 01Apr17

(Burpee Challenge Day 12)

Warm-up: 3rds Rounds

  • 40 Perfect Mountain Climbers
  • 30 Perfect Jumping Jacks
  • 20 Perfect Push-ups
  • 10 Perfect Rig Squats (light)
  • 5 Perfect pull-ups

* take your time and perform each movement to perfection


Partner Pre-game:

  • 1200/800 Pounds of Wallballs per person

Men’s Options (60 @ 20#, 80 @ 14#, 120 @10#)

Women’s Options (40 @ 20#, 60 @ 14#, 80 @ 10#, 100 @8#)

*Every time you break = 5 Burpees, than its your partner’s turn

Partner Workout: 10 Rounds each

  • 15 Kettlebell Swings
  • 10 Goblet Squats
  • 5 Kettlebell Push Presses
  • Bike or Ski for Calories

* track total calories per 2 person team