HIIT 070117



Jump Rope 2 minutes, then

  • 30 sec of Dynamic Squats
  • 30 sec of Alt. Rear Lunge w/ high knee
  • 30 sec of Inch Worm Forward/Rear
  • 30 sec of Plank Jacks

* For the Inch Worm, walk hands to feet and feet to hands


Workout : Triplets

15 seconds work / 15 seconds rest for 8 rounds (24 cycles) at each triplet, with a 1 minute rest between triplets.

  • KB Swings / Burpees / KB High Pulls

1 minute rest

  • KB Rows /Mtn. Climbers /KB S/A Thrusters

*Alternate sides on the rows and single arm thrusters at each round.

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