HIIT 081817
Saturday, 18Aug17
Warm Up 12 Minutes:
- Run the Loop
- Mobility – remaining time
Pre-Game 10 Minute AMRAP
- 5 Burpees
- 10 Air Squats
- 4 Burpees
- 15 Situps
- 3 Burpees
- 10 PushUps
- 2 Burpees
- 15 Mtn Climbers (R+L=1)
- 1 Burpee
- 60 Second Plank
…start again, if the ten minutes aren’t up!
Partner Workout: 20 minute EMOM
Odd Minutes
- 5 Deadlifts
- 10KB Swings
Even Minutes:
- 5 Dbl KB Front Squats
- 10 Dbl KB Presses
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