LIFT 080817
Tuesday, 08Aug17
3 min Jump Rope, followed by 2rds of the following movements for 30 sec each
- Drop Squats
- Forward/Rear Lunge
- PVC Pass Throughs
- Up/Down Dog
- Hollow Out
Partner LIFT Workout:
Move quickly, support and spot each other at all times.
- Back Squat – 4 sets x 6reps followed by 2 sets x 12 reps
- Bent Over Rows – 3 sets x 8reps
- Single Arm Farmers Carry – 30/30 4rds (30 sec carry/ 30 sec rest)
Finisher: 20/10 4 rds (16 cycles)
- Airdyne Bike Sprints
- Pull-ups
- Plate Rainbows
- DB Snatches
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