LIFT 082317
Wednesday, 23Aug17
Warm-up: 1 rd
30 seconds of..
- Dyanic Squats
- Skips
- Alt. Lateral Lunge
- Groiners w/T-Stab
- Up/Down Dog
- Long Sit-ups
1:30 Jump Rope
Partner workout: Move quickly, support and spot each other at all times
Back Squats 4 sets x 8 reps
- 10 single leg knee tucks
- 10 DB Front Squats
- Run 200m
- Deadlifts 5 sets x 5 reps after each set ..
- 1 minute Jump rope
Then …. 3rds
- Bumper Plate Grip Walk
Length of gym and back (find a challengeing weight )
Finisher: 3rds
- Farmers Carry (length of gym and back)
- 5 DB walking Lunges w/overhead press
- 45 Second Plank
- 200m Run
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