HIIt 091317
Wednesday, 13Sept17
Warm-up: 2rds (30 seconds each movement)
- Skips
- Drop Squats
- Alt. Rear Lunge
- Arm Circles
- Push-up to Down Dog
- Muffin Tops
1:30 Jump Rope
Workout: 2rds
60 second work folllowed by 30 second rest.
- KB Racked Squat (r) to Rear Lunge (r)
- KB Racked Squat (l) to Rear Lunge (l)
- Alternating KB Bent Over Row
- Plank
- KB Single-Leg Deadlift (r)
- KB Single Leg Deadlift (l)
Mini Met-con: 4 rounds
20/10 Non-stop
- KB High Pull
- KB Dynamic Squats
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