LIFT 110217

Thursday, 02Nov17

Warm-up 2 rounds

2 minute Jump Rope

  • 30 sec. Dynamic Squats
  • 30 sec. Alt. Lateral Lunge
  • 30 sec. Groiners
  • 30 sec. Push-up to Down Dog

3 min Foam Roll Upper/Lower

Partner Workout: Move quickly, support and spot each other at all times

Back Squats: 5, 3, 1 rep
Example: 225 is your 1rep Max

Take 65% of 225 = 145 5 sets of 5 reps
Take 85% of 225= 190 3 sets of 3 reps
Take 95% of 225= 215 3 sets of 1 rep

50 Slamball / 50 Box Jumps (goal is 4 sets or less)

3 min Abs –  20/10 9 cycles of Banded Archers

Make sure your resting between sets for full recovery. Remember you should only be able to lift the weight chosen for the desired reps.

Finisher: 12 minute AMRAP

  • 12 KB Swings
  • 8 TRX Recline
  • 12 DB Walking Lunges
  • 8 KB High Pulls
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