LIFT 122617
Tuesday, 26Dec17
Warm-up: 2 rds
- 20Kettlebell Swings (light)
- 15 Dynamic Squats
- 10 Long Sit-up
- 5 Push-ups w/ T-Stab
1:30 min Jump Rope
Partner Workout: Move quickly, support and spot each other at all times.
- Snatch Grip High Pulls – 4sets x 6reps
- Single Arm OH Press – 8 sets x 3 reps (each side)
- Hollow Out/ Knee to Elbow Crunch – 30/ 30/30 for 4rds
Finisher: 4 rds
- 3 Deadlifts
- 6 Jump Over Bar Burpees
- 9 Slamball
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