LIFT 021918
Monday, 19Feb18
Monday, 22Nov15
Warm-up: 2 Rounds
- Group Jog (down & back) 2x’s
- Stiff Leg March (down & back)
- High Knee w/ Lateral Lunge (down & back)
- Walking Lunges (down & back)
- Inch worm (just down)
- Deadlift/Shrug Combo 6 sets x 8 reps
- Dbl KB (Rack Position) Step Ups + Knee Raise 3 sets x 8 reps
- Sled Pulls 3x’s (down and back)
- Dbl KB Front Squats 5 sets x 5 reps
Finisher: 7 minutes (one Kettlebell Ladder)
- Single-arm KB Deadlift + Single-Arm Row + Single-arm Clean & Press
-Begin at one and climb the ladder as far as possible in 7 minutes (r+l=1)
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