LIFT 040218
Monday, 02April18
Group Warm-up: 2 rds (30 sec each Movement)
- Forward/Lateral/Rear Lunge (R)
- Forward/Lateral/Rear Lunge (L)
- Seal Jacks
- Arm Circles
- Up/Down Dog
- Hollow-out
1:30 Jump Rope
Partner Workout: 10 min
Move quickly, support and spot each other at all times.
- Back Squats: work up to a 3RM.
Rest 2 full minutes before starting the finisher
Finisher: 5rds
- Sled Push (down & back) (heavy weight on sled)
- Ball Slam x 12 reps
- Burpee x 12 reps
- Jump Rope 1 min or Double-Under 30-50 reps
Core: 3rds
- Banded Pallof Press – 10r/10l
- Russian Twist w/ Plate – 20 reps
Posted in Core, Finisher, Full Body Strength, Group Fitness, Group Warm-up, Jump Rope, LIFT Week, Partner Workout, Squats, Strength