HIIT 102218
Monday, 22Oct18
Group Warm-up: 2 rds (30 sec each movement)
- Air Thrusters (Greg and Marino’s favorite)
- Arm Circles
- Seal Jacks
- Groiner w/T-stab
- Plank Pointers
5 min Foam Roll upper/lower
Pre-game: 6-Minute EMOM
Min 1, 3 & 5 : 3 pull ups + 6 Push ups + 9 Air Squats
Min 2, & 6: 3 Deadlifts + 3 Power Cleans + 3 Push Press
Workout: (teams)
Three five-minute rounds with a one-minute break. On the sound of the clock buzzer, move to next exercise and begin immediately.
- KB Thrusters
- KB Swings
- Sandbag Rotational Rear Lunges
- Reclines
- Shuttle Runs
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