HIIT 112418
Saturday, 24Nov18
Wednesday, 08Mar17
Group Warm-up: 2rds
- 1 minute Skipping W/Clapp
- 30 seconds Mtn Climber
- 1 minute (20 sec) Jumping-Seal-Fling Jacks
- 30 seconds Frog Push-ups
- 1 minute (20sec) Forward-lateral-Rear Lunges
- 30 second Groiners
Pre-game: 8 EMOM
- Odd: 20 second Plank + 20 Switches
- Even: 20 Second High Plank + 6 Hand Release Push-ups
Complete three rounds of each circuit for :40/:20
Circuit 1
- Kettlebell Swings
- Burpees
- KB Bottoms- Up Curl
- Mountain Climbers
Take 2 minutes rest,
Circuit 2
- Kettlebell High-pulls
- Reclines
- Bike
- Side to Side Twists
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