HIIT 062919
Saturday, 29June19
Group Social Warm-up: 2rds
100m, 200m, 100m,200m Run (perform each movement for 30 seconds between each run)
- Dynamic Squats
- Rear Lunge w/ High Kick (R)
- Rear Lunge w/ High Kick (l)
- Downward/Upward Dog
:30 couplets with :15 seconds between, four rounds with 1 minute between rounds. Complete each couplet for 4 rounds before moving on to the next couplet
- KB Swings
- Reclines
- Pushups
- KB Goblet Squat
- Burpees
- Kettlebell Highpull
- Bike
- DB Push Press
- Alternating Rear Lunges
- Sit-ups
- Side to Side Twists
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